
Welcome to my web site. Instead of a stuffy CV, here's a quick bio. My life has been kind of an adventure and I have done a lot of different things over the years. One day, I'll be that old guy in a nursing home chattering away about the things I did, and they'll just think I've got dementia--but I'll be telling the truth!
I was born in one of Virginia's more urban areas. I was in a military family and I moved around a lot. I have been to 44 of 50 states. I have driven the Alaska Highway four times. At last count, I've moved 42 times in my half-century of life. Among the more interesting places I've lived are Alaska, France, and Germany.
I've been married to my sweetheart for 35 years. I have five children and soon-to-be fourteen grandchildren.
I have played the guitar for over 45 years. I have performed at festivals, recorded albums, and had my music played on the radio around the world. My music has been used for several films and a few international music samplers. For some reason, Koreans, Brazilians, and Russians like it.
In my music career, I had two "near misses" with fame. I nearly became a member of a famous rock group (but I didn't because it meant I would have had to drop out of school) and I was considered to open a tour for a Grammy-winning jazz artist. Oh, well!
I served in the Air Force as a member of an elite security squadron. I eventually became a linguist, worked in the intelligence field, and then did missions with the early pioneers of what became known as information warfare. I speak French and German, and know a smattering of Russian.
Back in the day, financial aid for school was not as available as it is today, and I came into the service between two GI Bills, thus I struggled to get my education while raising a large family with limited resources. I earned 36 hours of college credit "Abraham Lincoln-style." I bought used books from thrift stores and checked out library books on various subjects and then took CLEP tests to get credit. It took me ten years to earn a two-year associate's degree, but I didn't quit.
I took classes when I could afford them and I eventually earned my bachelor's degree from Excelsior College, while working full-time and doing classes online. (That was basically two years of having only two or three hours of sleep a night.) I am currently earning my master's degree in American History through American Military University. I love studying history and hope to write about historical topics in the future.
I have had a varied career as I accepted the opportunities that life presented me. I worked in the information technology field for about twelve years. I got to do IT projects in the logistics, medical, and financial services sectors. I managed a small music store for several years. I taught French at an independent school (all levels from 7th grade introductory French to A.P.). I also was a 2012 corps member with Teach For America, where I taught English in Oklahoma City. All along the way, I have taught guitar lessons on the side as my schedule permitted.
I am a second degree black belt in Judo. I have a small Judo club where I teach about twenty students. I'm a certified Judo coach and I am affiliated with the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), American Traditional Jujutsu Association (ATJA), the United States Judo Association (USJA), and the Judo Black Belt Association (JBBA).
Since COVID sidelined us for a time, I went back to playing bass a lot, which rehabilitated arthritic fingers and I got my 12-string chops back. I am playing and writing for 12-string again, which was always home base for me musically.
So as you see, one day I'll be the crazy old man in the nursing home babbling about being a martial artist who repelled down the side of buildings in an underground command post, sat in the cockpit of a Russian fighter jet, caused an international incident, wrote books, recorded albums, played concerts, fixed robots, camped in the Alaskan wilderness in subzero weather, and many other adventures too numerous to mention.